What Is Super Affiliate System? Discover Exactly What It Is & How It Can Help You As An Affiliate

What Is Super Affiliate System

Super Affiliate System is a marketing course created by an internet marketer, John Crestani. This course focuses on paid advertising affiliate marketing through Facebook, Google, and YouTube advertisements.

About John Crestani

John Crestani is an internet marketer who created Super affiliate system 3.0. He’s been featured on Forbes, Affiliate, Yahoo Finance, and Home Business. His story is an interesting one and one that resonates with many people reading this. You can learn about John Crestani and his intentions behind creating the super affiliate system by reading his story using the link attached.

What You’ll Receive In This Course

Affiliate marketing is one of the many ways to make money online, and the Super Affiliate System teaches you how to do it. The goal of this program is to make you a successful marketer in a matter of 6 weeks. By becoming a member of his Super Affiliate System, you will obtain information on the following subjects:

  • Creating Ads
  • Copywriting
  • Data Analysis
  • Research
  • Presale
  • Offers
  • Mindset and motivation

Upon purchasing this course, you’ll have access to all the modules. This course will require you to set time aside since you’ll be receiving over 50 hours’ worth of content to get through. When joining the course, you will have access to a wider community like private Facebook groups where you can chat with other members and ask any questions. Every Friday, John hosts a live webinar for a couple of hours, where members can ask him questions about their ad campaigns and ask any queries.

Deciding if the course is right for you? You can read our Super Affiliate System review to help you decide!

3 Things That Make This Course Unique

Paid traffic affiliate marketing courses that are taught well are rare. Usually paid traffic affiliate marketing is learned affiliate forums, ad spend, and trial and error.

I consider the Super Affiliate System course to be unique because it breaks down the affiliate marketing funnel into simple steps, utilizes the Clickbank affiliate network (great network for beginners), and provides resources to get a newbie started as quickly as possible.

Before we get into the three things that make John’s course unique, let’s quickly review what an affiliate marketing funnel is to understand their value.

The Affiliate Marketing Funnel

A bird’s eye view of an affiliate funnel goes like this:

Traffic Source -> Pre-sell landing page (your affiliate link is on this page) -> Sales Page

In this course, John shows you how to run the first two steps of the process. Once you understand this “system,” you’ll be able to run traffic to whatever affiliate product you like.

#1. Pre-built funnels

To start having success with paid advertising as an affiliate, you’re going to need a funnel. But, as a beginner, you’re usually going to want to start asap.

Rather than have you create your own affiliate marketing sales funnels, John’s team has created pre-built affiliate funnels on a popular online business platform called Clickfunnels.

Basically, John is sharing the funnels in his Clickfunnel’s account with you so you can get started right away. These are funnels that are already proven to convert. They’re ready for you to download at a click of a button.

Super Affiliate System Presell Pages

Note: You’ll have to pay $19/month for a Clickfunnels “share funnel account.” Usually, the price of CF is $97/month, but when a user shares a funnel with you, you get a $19/month account with a limit of only three funnels that must be shared with you.

If you don’t want to pay $19/month, John provides training on how to use his pre-built funnels without using Clickfunnels.

He calls this the “Manual Method.” Just keep in mind that there are more technical steps in choosing this method.

​Unfortunately, John missed an intermediate step that can get you stuck in his Manual Method video lesson.

I’ve made a supplemental training video to help you out if you decide to get John’s Super Affiliate System course and choose the Manual Method (see the bonus section coming up).

#2. Targeting Data

Super Affiliate System Targeting Data

As you start to get your “feet wet,” you’ll notice that having target data is useful when it comes to optimizing your traffic source.

Currently, the primary targeting data John provides is for the Biz Opp niche, which isn’t optimal for students who want to go outside the “make money online” niche.

In John’s defense, he does have broader targeting data in Super Affiliate System 2.0 (which you can find in the resources page of the course. However, it’s “no longer supported.”

#3. The Forum

How classic – an affiliate forum.

Super Affiliate System Forum

John created a course forum that comes with the course where the Super Affiliate System community can interact with each other and at the same time, grow their online business by learning from each other. John is also active in the forum as well.

Most online courses have a Facebook community nowadays, and John started that way but has now moved his tribe to a forum style community.

My recent browse through the forum helped me answer a Google Ads affiliate marketing question I’ve had for a while. So I can say it’s undoubtedly a supplement to John’s students’ success.

Why Become an Affiliate Marketer?

You might be wondering what the benefits of even becoming an affiliate marketer in the first place are. One of the biggest reasons that appeal to people is being able to “make money while you sleep” since affiliate marketing works 24/7.

There is no limit when it comes to how much revenue you bring in. With most jobs, you make your salary with possibly a few bonuses at the end of the year. With affiliate marketing, the money can just keep rolling in. Of course, this is dependent on how successful you are!


You can take this course and utilize affiliate marketing from absolutely anywhere! You don’t need an office or employees. This gives you the freedom to run your business from wherever you see fit, whether it’s on a beach or at home with your family. Not to mention, it’s an easy startup. All you really need is a good internet connection, a laptop, the right mindset, and you’re good to go!

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